U-6 Hits All Time Low
You would think this would get more press coverage, but U-6, which many consider the "real" unemployment rate, hit an all time low this...
Diesel Fuel Finally Comes Down
While the price of "regular" gasoline has come down over the past few months (and sharply just this past month, December 2022) diesel...
About Those "Discouraged Workers"
Whenever there is a discussion about the employment (or unemployment) situation, someone will chime in with "What about "discouraged...
The Labor Force Participation Farce
I try to avoid partisanship on this site, but it seems no matter how well the economy is doing, or how many positive dynamics are in...
The Fed Begins Its Drawdown
Following up from an earlier post, the Federal Reserve has commenced reducing its holding of Treasury paper and Mortgage Backed...
The Fed Is In a Bad Place.
I've never been a Fed Basher. That's practically a job description. There are people who have made lucrative media careers out of...
Muni Bonds Shine Again
It's been a long winter for municipal bond investors. Zero interest rate policy over the long term made them a poor value. I honestly...
Oh, What a Lovely Recession!
While the nattering nabobs of negativism continue to describe the current economy as a "recession," given that we've had two quarters of...
How To Make a Fortune in the Investment Business - Part II
Another day, another pitch, this one from a well known name that's sponsored dozens of sporting events over the years. You might say...
Fed Inventory Not Budging For Now
While the Fed raises short term rates in a fairly dramatic fashion, it isn't doing much to unload its hoard of Treasuries and Mortgage...